Romanticizing Everyday Life

What does it mean to romanticize your life?

  • “Romanticizing your life” refers to the practice of viewing your everyday experiences through a more idealized, emotionally heightened, or aesthetically pleasing lens, often in a way that makes mundane activities feel more meaningful or special.

  • It’s about appreciating the small moments, finding joy in routine tasks, and imagining your life as more cinematic or poetic.

    What mundane looks like

    • Mundane is defined as ordinary, routine, or lacking excitement. It described activities or experiences as dull, unremarkable, lacking interest, or boring.

    • That’s not to be confused with finding value in the mundane. The saying “find joy in the mundane” is similar to romanticizing everyday life, but slightly different. Joy in the mundane refers to finding happiness, contentment or a sense of fulfillment in the ordinary aspects of life such as getting the mail, folding the laundry or spending quiet moments alone and being OK with it being mundane.

How do I romanticize my life?

  • Create rituals around your routines- Treat regular activities like making coffee, cooking or getting ready for the day as a special activity. Use your favorite cup, fancy coffee creamer or skincare products to elevate your everyday life and experience.

  • Add aesthetic elements- Bring art, cozy lighting or decorations into your space that you enjoy looking at. We spend too much time in our spaces to not enjoy what it looks like or how it makes us feel. Pay attention to how you feel in your space and ask yourself how can you elevate it with small changes such as low lighting, string lights, candles, background music or framed photos.

  • Slow down- this can be a difficult concept for some. If we rush through our activities or routines they become annoying and unenjoyable. Pay attention to how quickly you go through your day. Can you take more time to savor that cup of coffee? Can you take a walk around your neighborhood and notice your neighbors landscaping? Rather than being distracted by what you need to get done next.

  • Listen to music or podcasts- You can literally add a soundtrack to your day by playing background music while you work or do chores around the house. Music can have a profound impact on our mood, how we feel and how we perceive the world around us. Try it next time you have to vacuum the house ;)

  • Celebrate small wins- Ever heard of LTOTD (little treat of the day)? First, thanks social media for making sure we keep up with the slang, but also for instilling romanticizing our life as normal behavior! Give yourself a treat after you complete a task. Finish responding to your emails? Make yourself a coffee, take your dog for a walk, or for me crack open a Diet Coke and put it in your favorite cup with a slice of lime.

  • Visualize your life as a story- Another slang term…main character energy. YOU are your own main character! Act like it! Think of each day as part of a larger, meaningful journey and embrace the small moments as import parts of your narrative.

Compare routines

  • Mundane morning routine

    • Very annoying alarm sound goes off

    • Wash face, brush teeth, etc.

    • Get dressed in clothes I don’t love or feel good in

    • Make a breakfast that I don’t enjoy but eat it anyways

    • Make coffee and put in regular cup

    • Rush out the door because I didn’t give myself enough time to have a slower morning

Now…let’s create the same routine but romanticized. It just feels more warm and something that you can look forward to when you go to bed the night before.

  • Romanticized morning routine

    • Nature sound alarm clock goes off, early enough to have time to slow down and enjoy my morning

    • Wash face with products that make me feel good, play morning playlist to help wake up and set the mood for the day

    • Put on an outfit that helps me express my personality and feel confident and comfortable in

    • Make a nutrient dense, aesthetically pleasing breakfast, possibly a new recipe you were excited to try

    • Use my fancy pumpkin spice creamer (hello fall) in my coffee with my favorite pretty mug that feels good in my hand (you know the type)

    • Have time to enjoy sitting in my sunroom with my dog to slowly sip my coffee, think about my day ahead, and get in tune with my emotions and thoughts for the day.

How can this actually help me?

Having a more positive outlook on life can improve your mental and emotional well-being, enhance your physical health, boost productivity and motivation, increase resilience to stress, encourage social interactions, the list can go on and on!

By approaching everyday tasks with creativity, intention, and appreciation, you can turn the ordinary into something more meaningful and joyful.

I’m a firm believer in the idea of romanticizing your life. Ever since I have adapted this mindset into my own daily life I have found a great deal of enjoyment in my daily tasks. Here are some photo examples of how I romanticize my life to feel cinematic :)

What will you change in your everyday life to romanticize it?

Sitting down on a Friday afternoon to get my computer work done. Choosing to sit in the sunlight in my sunroom, with a vase of flowers to add something pleasing to the eye, with a perfectly made latte in my favorite cup. Makes all the difference!

Buying flowers in the spring…can become a daunting task for some, but here I am with my assistant and of course another iced latte to help keep me going. Feeling the sunshine and creativity flowing as I plant my garden.


The art of doing nothing